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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  March 25, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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olympics begins in july. the residents there were treated to quite a show on sunday as waiters in the city participated in 1.2-mile race while balancing a tray with a croissant, coffee and buckingham palace of water. 110-year-old race was resurrected after 13 year hiatus in order to get people in the olympic mood. waiters are expected to have their hands full this summer. millions flock to the city for the olympics. tomorrow on "special report," supreme court jumps back into the abortion debate. we will bring you that. remember, if you can't catch us live set your dvr 6:00 p.m. in the east and 3:00 p.m. in the west coast thank you for inviting us into your home tonight and every night. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. ingraham angle is coming unjust seconds from now. ♪ ♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone, i'm laura ingraham
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this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. always one step ahead. that's the focus of tonight's angle. ♪ beep beep >> beep beep >> laura: try and hope as they might, the legal forces in new york, georgia, and d.c. are finding it harder and harder to accomplish their mission, which is to put trump behind bars and our bankrupt him before the election. now, today, the new york appellate court slashed the obscene amount judge engoron posted to appeal the case from 454 million to 175 million. now, the left's long time fantasy was to see new york a.g. letitia james personally slap padlocks on the front doors of trump's prized real estate. now, there was a palpable
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disappointment, i could hear it on the other cable nets. >> kristin, is it your understanding that trump will be able to get this lower amount of cash together, but it is worth reminding everyone but up until the 11th hour this day until the ruling came down they were struggling to find a way to pay the original bond amount. >> here we go again he continues to defy gravity and catches another break. >> notion i would water main walk in there and have what i owed down to a third the judgment is ludicrous. wouldn't even ask if that would happen for me. of course not. notion that he has 11 more days is ludicrous. i guess my question is is there a breaking point or just what trump will benefit from? everybody always bending the rules and treating him differently? >> laura: that's hilarious. well, cnn was so excited about today they invested in a few lawn chairs for their guests outside the lower manhattan courthouse. they thought it was going to be a different outcome. and the trump real estate
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graphics were still a favorite go to. >> 175 is a lot more doable than more than half a billion dollars with interest piling up daily. >> he probably does have this 175. this is, you know, a big break for him it. could have been much, much worse. more than 500 million it. could have been resulted in him having to sell assets. >> laura: true but the leading legal minds in the house of representatives insist the ends justify the means. >> i actually think that there is risk in not seizes these assets and the open window that exists in him trying to secure these funds through other means. we have seen a lot of interesting transactions happening with truth social and other means and there is very real risk of political corruption. >> laura: she figured out that ricco thing yet? all right. aha, the trump exception to due process and basic fairness. now, these people would attend candlelight vigils to protect
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the due process rights of illegals before deportation but they are outraged that the system gives trump any rights at all. >> he has been around and survived all of these incredible, weighty legal and political issues and he is still here, still here, still a free man. i have no explanation for, this joe. >> laura: well, it's you can't wrap hisser is ream bum around that he should stick to gabbing about the red sox. yet another is the simpleton pundit category is michael steele the former failed rnc chair. he too is stunned that the appellate court made a sane ruling this makes absolutely no sense. what makes no sense is that comment. so now the never trumpers are so deluded they think the new york
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appellate court special treatment. the only people getting special treatment in new york are the thugs terrorizing people in the streets and getting away with it. >> we have violent criminals that are murdering people, killing people. we have drug dealers all over the place, and they go free and they can do whatever they want. but they go after trump where there is not even a crime. >> laura: and the entire underlying judgment was disproportional from the outset. disgraced financier bernie madoff's fraud was in the billions with tens of thousands of victims. guess how much his bail was. 10 million. i know, that was a lot of years ago you say. well, how about sam bankman-fried? he was forced to cough up 250 million in bail money. but, again, he lost his investors billions. and trump's case? the banks had done their due diligence in loaning him money and there were no victims. loans were paid back in full. but don't worry ye on the
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deflated left if there is somebody going to take the load off it's fani willis. she said she is still on track to. >> while that was going on still writing briefs and doing the case in the way it needed to be done. i don't feel like we have been slowed down at all. i do think there are efforts to slow down the train but the train is coming. >> laura: she doesn't sound political at all there. now, you get the sense that all these people are running on fumes. like a denture cream bond, a certain g word has been stuck on biden for years. but now his surrogates think the big switch aroo is going to work. >> this is the same grift that he has run, again and again and again. using other people's money for his own benefit. well, often leaving his donors high and dry. >> well, i think that's it it's very clear that trump is a grirst, that's just the way it is. these people who are so happy to give him money to pay his legal
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fees should at least be told that's where they are spending money. >> oh, i get it. if only nancy and jen applied their concern to the omnibus bills where there was a real problem with transparency. thousands of pages long, released the night before of a vote, or i guess that lack of transparency somehow works okay for them. now, when these people ridicule and defame trump, they really are just ridiculing and defaming the 74 million americans who voted for him and those who will again. they even tried to mind read their true thoughts. and, to that point, perhaps the most moronic comment of the news cycle goes to this guy. >> they know about all of the foolishness, they know about all of the corruption and everything that donald trump is. joe biden cannot win by saying donald trump is a bad guy because there are people who want the bad guy to be president. >> laura: move over, i sis zero.
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democrats have no to restore america. lawfare, racial division and throwing some abortion fear-mongering. of course their guy can't be trusted to have a real press conference or do anything any non-friendly interview no way. of course joe can't or won't debate. how can he defend his border he? can't. how can he defend the chaos abroad? he can't. no problem surrogates do all the lifting for him and they include the corporate media. their mantra is simple. trump is bad and you're bad for wanting a bad man as president and because he is bad and you are bad, we are justified in bending the legal and political system to make sure he doesn't even have the chance to be on the ballot come november, oh, of course and is he hitler as well that's the angle. mike davis and former gorsuch clerk and founder of the article
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iii project. now, there was a scheduling news in the other trump case in new york. david, before we get into that. this is how tish james responded to the bond being lowered today in her statement she said donald trump is still facing accountability for staggering fraud 464 million judgment plus interest against donald trump in the other defendants that still stand. is the judge signaling something here? what's your got? >> i think the court did -- took a big step in the right direction. i don't think there should have been any bond for the appeal in this case. and the court certainly had that discretion. he has the assets. you know where he is i think the underlying conviction is going to be reversed. certainly by the time it reaches the new york court of appeals if it has to go that far. as you have said, no loss, no victim, the banks were more than happy to do -- to make the loans, they wanted more business. he is an international brand, and so on. this is a very different
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definition of frauds than we have ever seen before. no jury trial there should have been a jury trial. as we have said before, 2011 case that says no george bush trial says because damages are intercontinental to the relief generally given under this statute this law 3612. these are not intercontinental damages. the court made the right decision should have gone further. >> laura: when you watch the faces. the faces always tell the story on the other networks. they really wanted an immediate rush to trump national golf course or any of his premier properties. and they wanted to see the padlocks being put on the door. they didn't quite know how to process this today, did they? >> yeah. it's amazing. every this new york attorney general who campaigned on the fact that she was going to get trump, tish james. they went to this biased democrat manhattan judge arthur engoron who decried before the
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trial began. before any witnesses or any other witness that trump somehow committed fraud when he paid back sophisticated wall street banks in full, on time as agreed with interest and then they put this half billion dollars unconstitutionally punitive fine against trump and then they wanted him to put up this half billion dollars to pursue his appellate rights. this is obviously not going to fly with the american people and this is going to backfire on november 5th, 2024. >> laura: well, when you think about this, david, the bottom line is this signals that this might go trump's way. i would imagine it would go trump's way. but then we have this air 15th trial date that set for this so-called hush money case which i don't think the left thought was going to be their best shot at starting this layer fair really going. but it really could be the first of the big cases i don't count
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the jean carroll case. thoughts about that today. that was the one saving grace the left thought that gave them a little shift on their side. >> each one of these cases sends president trump soaring upwards in the polls. because i think ultimately the american people are fair and reasonable. they see these political prosecutions for what they are. there are so many problems with this case it's hard to know where to start. this judge never should have been assigned to the case. he wasn't randomly assigned. he was assigned to the trump organization case. he was assigned to the ban common case they say the chief administration judge put him on it. it wasn't because he was qualified. nothing but bad experience with him. is he anti-trumper. the indictment is defective it. doesn't gives in the of what is really charged in the case. buff the biggest thing is, they hired a special prosecutor in this case. mark pomerantz came in and did a study higher ups thought this case should never be brought just like the feds passed on the case. the feds had this evidence and they said there should be no
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prosecution. you will see in this case bob does tell low testify who is michael cohen's lawyer. he will tell you michael cohen told a completely different story. michael cohen waived privilege. that's one of the reasons the feds never prosecuted. >> laura: mike, your sense on this because there were tens of thousands of documents that have to be gone through in this case and i imagine they are going to ask for another continuation in this case to push it off past april 15th. do you think that will be successful? >> well, for alvin bragg's sake he better hope this gets pushed off. >> this is a dog of a case. they have taken a businessness man settling a nuisance claim and tried to turn this into felony campaign finance violations that the prior manhattan d.a., the manhattan u.s. attorney, the federal election commission, and alvin bragg himself passed over until matthew co-angelo got sent from the number three office in the biden justice department to
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resurrect this zombie case to get trump. >> laura: president trump mentioned him by name today, david, the judge was clearly annoyed by the underlying allegation that this is all just, you know, some political vendetta against trump. he didn't much like that today. what would you advise the president as a matter of legal strategy, forget the political p.r. side of it. >> he has to keep making the record in this case. this judge is always going to be annoyed with anything that appears to be in president trump's favor. you have tens of thousands of documents being turned over at the last minute here that easily could have been gone from the federal prosecutors. they worked with the federal prosecutors. as mike said co-angelo they just can't play it straight with folks though are looking for justice in this case. this judge certainly isn't in my opinion. he is the wrong guy for this job but president trump has to stay
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the course and keep raising all of the legal issues in this case. wait until you see what happens when michael cohen testifies and his own lawyer contradicts him coming up, having his bond reduced wasn't the only win for trump today. i'm going to explain it, next. ♪
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>> laura: more good news for donald trump today. not only did he get that bond sliced by 61.5% in new york. the latest emerson poll shows him leading biden in a number of key swing states, arizona, michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin, and nevada. and the big merger of the social media company trump media and technology group finally got through the merger process. that means tomorrow donald trump's shares will be worth in the billions. the truth social stock will start trading tomorrow on the nasdaq. joining me now charlie hurt, opinion editor at the "washington times" and mollie hemingway, editor and chief at "the federalist." both are fox news contributors. charlie, let's start with you. i started the show tonight with the road runner and wiley coyote which is one of my favorite cartoons ever. almost there. almost there to get him.
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put the padlock on trump tower and the trump golf course and mar-a-lago. tisha james is all excited. and then, well, little rough of a day but this news is not insignificant about this special purpose acquisition vehicle and the merger tomorrow. billions of dollars for trump and maybe a new spring in his step. >> yeah. it's truly extraordinary. this was supposed to be one of the worst days in his entire career. his -- both politically and his business career. and then it turns out to be one of the best. and like the guy has got this midas touch. and you have to give him credit. it's not just luck. it is, i think there's a lot of -- you know, he deserves credit both for continuing to fight every single day. i don't know how the guy manages to come back and keep swinging. but then, you know, you see that
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performance where he went for the cameras outside after the court hearing. and, you know, yet again, he commands -- he is up against the media every single day, and he commands the attention of the media. it's funny, i flipped around the channels, and cnn, msnbc, everybody who has declared they don't want to cover anything he says anymore, they were all forced to carry his victory lap. >> laura: mollie, we showed that string of the emerson polls showing trump leading biden in all of those swing states but what's interesting and not such great news is that the presumptive republican senate candidate that same poll show that they are behind their democrat counterparts in those same states. sometimes it's a few points. sometimes it's a little bit more. what does that tell you? >> i think it shows that the republican party still needs to unify if they want to have success in november. seems like a no-brainer for a lot of republican voters that they would like to see the establishment of the party unite
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with the base and really work together for victory. they think the situation in the country is extremely dire, extremely serious. and they would like to see their leaders in d.c. take it as seriously as they do. i think it's too soon to count anyone in or out. but, if the republicans want to have success, they need to be very smart, they need to be very unified. and they need to keep their eye on the ball and focused on the major issues in play. >> laura: and, charlie, a lot of us are concerned that by summer, hakeem jeffries could be the speaker of the house. we have these retirements, some people are walking out the door early. i know everybody has competing desires and they are going to this company. but you did kind of swear to uphold the constitution and do your duty for the people of your district. what happened to that idea? >> yeah. it's really extraordinary. whatever you think of donald trump and some of the antics that he gets into, he has notched more conservative wins
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for conservatives than any president going back to ronald reagan. and the idea that you have a lot of these republicans would literally rather give up and go home than take part in another administration of winning in the legislature tells you all you need to know about those people. >> laura: mollie, i'm hoping one like a mike gallagher reconsiders. did he good work on the tiktok stuff and other issues. he is an interesting guy. i think, look, just be -- just show up for the big votes i mean at this point. show up for the big votes and make your way through the rest of the year. that's really the honorable thing to do. maybe he will change his mind. >> yeah. he really should reconsider. it's outrageous to leave halfway through your cycle. it's not that long. it's two years for a term. the voters of wisconsin, just like the voters in other states really want to believe that they have someone advocating for. they mike gallagher does have a
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good reputation with republican voters. if he sabotages the republican majority and does it in a petty way that would really sour his reputation with republican voters. i think he should reconsider. it's not too late to do that or he should step down immediately so that the people of wisconsin and his district can have a special election to replace him. >> laura: yeah. i think, charlie, they are worried that that special election the democrats would pour a huge amount of money into there really fast and they might not win that so i think there's a lot of concern. i think the best thing is reconsider. it's not too late. charlie and mollie great to see you both. now it's time for our political palate cleanser. ♪ country superstar zach bryan shared a moment with a young fan battling a rare diagnosis in wisconsin. ♪ [cheers] >> for you. [squeals] >> come back stage? >> we are. >> i will give it to you here.
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>> thank you. [laughter] >> good to meet you. [cheers] oh my gosh, i was bawling, 1-year-old meghan had a surprise of a lifetime. she got a hug, of course, signed guitar had a chance to hang with zach bryan back page. meghan said the best moment was getting to thank him for being her revival. coming up is the president of mexico trying to blackmail joe biden? his new demands, next. ♪ wondering if you might want to pray with us. well, not the actual jesus. obviously, but let's spend some time with the real one. lord jesus. we take this moment today to simply be with you. we are lost. we are broken. but we are not alone. help us to grow closer to you. this lent, jesus name we pray. amen. join us in prayer. this lent on hallow.
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>> laura: this video of the border rush in el paso taken by the "new york post" may end up being joe biden's undoing. thought president of mexico is offering biden an election year lifeline or as i see it political extortion. >> the year of the white house
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president lopez obrador proposed his fix that the united states commit $20 billion a year to poor countries in latin america and the caribbean. lift sanctions on venezuela and the cuban embargo and legalize millions of law abiding mexicans living in the u.s. >> if they don't do the things that you said need to be done, then what? >> the flow of migrants will continue. >> typical socialist. when america had a strong president who knew how to exercise leverage on trade, mexico agreed to the remain in mexico policy with no similar strings attached. joining me now tom homan former acting director of. immigration attorney allen, president of the american lawyers association. alan, how is that donald trump had the border fairly under control by 2019? how did that work?
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>> i don't think it was under control. covid played somewhat of a role in it. >> laura: 2019? >> even then the numbers were still a little bit -- the issue is there were still people coming to the united states, using non-dr. additional methods to get into the united states. the border has never been a solution but congress has not acted on it since the early 180s. >> laura: is that your whole argue. right now? i mean, that's just -- i like you allen and so glad you came on tonight. to me, that's i feel bad for you making that argument because it's not true. the flow in 2019, tom, i'm going to ask you a tough question next, but is he right? is the flow in 2019 still pretty high and it's just immigration reform that we need? >> under president trump we had the most secure border. i started with border patrol in 1984. don't take my word for it go to look at the border patrol data.
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illegal immigration 45 year low. down 83 to 90% depending what time period you looked at. unprecedented success. that's just a fact to anybody looking at the data. >> laura: the chief of the u.s. border patrol was asked what keeps him up at night allen by cbs. let's watch his response. >> what's keeping me up at night is 140,000 known got-aways. that's just what we know. >> is that a national security risk? >> we don't know who is coming into our country and we don't know what their intent is. that is a threat. and they are exploiting a vulnerability that's on our border right now. >> laura: allen, do you agree with that assessment? >> i do agree with that assessment. i think the valuation is little bit different for almost 2 million people who got away in 2,000. as we look at the numbers. the way to control the number of people who are getting away that we saw at the end of title 42, when you end harsh enforcement at the border and give people a method to come into the united states, a way to address the people asking for asylum. you don't have the got-aways and the numbers that we have seen.
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>> with a secure border you got less got-aways. look, again, the numbers speak for themselves. i'm talking to the data that's available. we got just short of 2 million known got-aways. look we arrested 340 -- more than 300 off the southern terror watch list. under president trump 11. hell, this administration got 18 two months ago. one month 18. trump four years 11, open border drives more illegal immigration and overwhelms the border patrol. when you overwhelm the border patrol humanitarian crisis where 70% of agents are off the line daily, that's when the known suspected terrorists are going to come in because there is no patrol on the border. they are going to take the route of least resistance. not going to try to get visa or vetting process. you have pay the cartels a little extra money be part of that 2 million got away. >> laura: allen? >> i think the way to get away
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is cartel making legalized pathway for these individuals to get through. the concept when there was president bush or president obama that the border was 100 percent secure is just a falsehood. that's not something we can ever reach in our society because we are not europe. we don't have a small border we have a very vast border. better way to manage the border and influx of people. part of it dealing with the push and part of it is managing the border better. >> laura: let's see how the border was managed in texas. this new foot tang that i don't believe has been shown before from the "new york post." we see people literally using bolted cutters to break. destroying property before they stepped foot in other country. how is this acceptable in any way, shape, or form? i don't think any of the three of us would allow anyone that we didn't know to break and entering into our homes on a
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daily basis, we certainly wouldn't allow it. we would try to get help to stop it. but we are supposed to say this is all right. allen, i think americans and it's not political at this point. this is just tactical. the whole world with l. want to come here right? and presumably none of us would want the entire world to come here even if the entire world wanted to come here because that would be totally unfair to the people in this country. >> i don't see it quite that way. i see it as this is a holy week so i invite as many people as possible to my church because there is plenty of good room for good people. in that same capacity because we are such a good nation. because you have made it such a good nation and tom and i am working to make a good nation there will always be people who want to come here in the same veins that ronald reagan spoke about love for immigration america has always been that beacon. that's not something i wanted to turn away from. we need to manage it better to make jobs we have available in the country meet the birth rate and humanitarian need. does everybody get asylum absolutely not.
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>> laura: they are getting asylum. >> let's try management first. >> laura: tom, everybody kind of getting at least temporary asylum. what is it 89 or 95%? real quick? >> yeah. 9 out of 10 get relief. they don't qualify or show up in court. last comment about the cartels. you wipe the cartels off the sphafs earth because they have killed more americans than any terrorist organization. president trump would declare them a terrorist organization at the will wipe them off the face of the earth. that's how you deal with the mexican cartels. >> laura: tom and allen great to see you both of you don't. just in time for the election, mark zuckerberg is trying to well, effect control on what americans can see on social media. i will explain it, next. ♪
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>> laura: it's election year and donald trump is leading in key swing states which means it's time for big tech to put its finger on the scale to help poor old biden. this time with a new rule on political content. got to make sure the people never see posts from conservatives or even some true liberals. >> i just want to thank my parents for not letting me pick my gender while i was trying to eat crayons and glue my hands together. >> what do you think is better for the country trump or biden?
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>> trump. >> trump. >> trump. >> trump. >> [inaudible] >> virginity is a completely made up concept. it's a term that was created simply to control and chain people, mainly women. >> wait, what? >> laura: over the last few days people started noticing a change in their feeds. so now you don't get any political content from someone you do not follow unless you physically go into your account and change certain settings. it turns out that meta, which owns instagram has started restricting users' access to political content just months before the election. so anything that has to do with laws, elections, or social topics will be limited. joining me now is journalist michael shellenberger founder of public on substack. now, michael, this is supposed to be for all political content but i just want to remind viewers that mark zuckerberg who
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owns, of course, the old facebook poured more than 350 million into the 2020 election via, you know, all the nonsense in pennsylvania. so, what's he up to here? >> yeah, well, hey, it's good to be with you, laura. it's worth going back to 2017. you might remember everybody blamed facebook at the time -- not everybody, the democrats blamed facebook at the time for trump's election. people had lost brexit a first month earlier also blamed facebook for losing the brexit vote in britain. zuckerberg was pretty strong. he said he defended the right of people to deny the holocaust on facebook. fast-forward three years later and he caved in on everything. there had been a huge advertiser boycott led by organizations very close ties to the intelligence community that were putting a lot of pressure on him. he made up a reason suggesting that there was some evidence showing increase of anti-semitic hate speech on facebook and real world violence.
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they can't trace those things and we documented recently that even with a big increase in hate speech, it doesn't translate into real world violence happily. the real issue here is obviously politics, zuckerberg in response to all the pressure from democrats to not have republican and conservative content. has just shut it all down and he has done it again. he restricted the content earlier. really a year or two ago. and he has been restricting ever since then and doing it now. rain shower lawyer this is why everyone has to be on platforms that don't do this. x doesn't do it. truth social has their big announcement tomorrow. we reached out to meta which told us this announcement expands on years of work on how we approach and treat political content based on what people have told us they wanted, michael. and now people are going to be able to control whether they would like to have these types of posts recommended to them. what?
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i didn't know about the change. i couldn't find my settings very easily. obviously they are running away from being controversial and criticize them for feeding them content that they think would be pro-republican. i mean, that's really the target here. it's been the target the whole time. the mainstream news media dominated by the democratic perspective that social media now is where they are trying to basically exterminate any free flow of different information. so i think it's very clear what is happening. i think you are right it means that actually i think hopefully increases demand for alternative platforms including x. formerly twitter content you may not agree with at least there is some free flow of information which is contactually what the first amendment. again, i want to repeat to everybody, you are big people, can you figure out what you like and don't like the fact that mark zuckerberg is going to stand there and say oh, because i got a lot of c-r-a-p from the
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left after trump won in 2016 i'm going to say none of it is allowed pretty convenient trump is doing well. always great seeing you thanks very much. sean diddy comms his home raided by homeland security. we have details. americans may come face to face with grizzly bears if joe biden gets his way. details, next. ♪
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>> laura: fox news alert, swept in homes owned by sean 'diddy' combs. they joined me from the west coast newsroom with all the details. >> reporter: us official confirms to fox news the homeland security raids at the property here in la and in miami today are in connection to a federal sex trafficking investigation. heavily armed federal agents can be seen raiding sean 'diddy' combs house in the area of la today, several people could be
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seen being escorted from the property, some be detained or arrested and in handcuffs. meanwhile in miami, some federal agents arrived at the waterfront property by boat conducting arrayed there as well. sources tell fox that this has to do with the federal sex trafficking pro. but officially they're only saying in part, earlier today homeland security investigations, new york executed law enforcement action part of an ongoing investigation. with assistance from miami and la local. we'll provide further information as it becomes available. last year three women accused him of abusing two separate lawsuits. the day after the first lawsuit was filed, sean 'diddy' combs and the woman agreed on a settlement. in the second lawsuit filed last november, two women claims sean 'diddy' combs closely drugs them and assaulted them back in the 1990s. two months ago a male music
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producer also sued sean 'diddy' combs accusing him of abuse including unsolicited groping and sexual touching. right now it is not clear where sean 'diddy' combs is tonight, we're working on confirming his whereabouts but tmz is now reporting that they've just tracked his plane, private jet to antigua in the caribbean tonight. it's unclear if he's actually on the plane, will send it back to you. >> laura: thank you so much. >> anyone is fair game. >> laura: because life in bidens america is not dangerous enough, the white house is moving up its timeline to relocate grizzly bear populations to rural parts of washington state. locals are not thrilled. >> number 1 thing is the danger. we're gonna live right. >> one may bring back the salmon that is the time that we can look at those other building
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blocks of that ecosystem. >> biggest fear is that kids or someone in your family gets malls or god forbid killed by grizzly. >> laura: proposed plan seeks to establish a population of 200 grizzly bears in the coming decades. and why? releasing the apex predator into the regent will improve social tolerance of the species so says the biden administration. joining me now is neil who is a cow producer in washington state and a member of the washington cattlemen's association. we'll, the dangers here, what are they? [ shouting ] there's a real danger of our livestock, of our families, of the people that are working and living in this area that they're going to bring the bears and two. it's a real threat and danger to our families. >> laura: as someone who has come fairly and way too close to a grizzly bear when i was in wyoming once, two grizzly bears.
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it is terrifying. no doubt. they'll take down the cattle force, a dog as an appetizer and person -- usually they run away. but if they are provoked they will come at you. and the biden administration is moving up its timeline, not slowing it down but moving it out, reaction to that? >> we've always said that local communities and local state of fission wildlife need to be the ones to manage these in the bears. if they were involved with input from the communities, the ranchers, people living there, orchard people that have come in these areas. it's a real problem. and going to be a real problem to try and survive in these rural areas that we live and work in. >> laura: here's one wildlife
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biologist described his proposed relocation. watch. >> we'll be looking young bears in order to make the move. bears that hour number 1 adaptive '02 a new landscape but also bears with reproductive life ahead of them because these bears we'll be the basis for jumpstarting the population. >> laura: your response? >> that could be true, arnot wildlife biologist i also believe that anything to get hungry skin heat something. and if there's no wildlife there the canopy livestock, it's going to be pat's, dogs and cats. it's going to harass the people that are hiking and walking in this area. vacation there. he does not need to be done by a federal bureaucrat it needs to be done by fish and wildlife and local communities. >> laura: this is why i think
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that these federal departments, by the way so beautiful behind me i want to be there right now, it's a gorgeous. this is why the federal departments and interior department, it should not be in washington. i really believe it should be out west where we still have the vast this does or at least in some part outside of the swamp of dc because he will get here and they lose all common sense. they don't know what it's like to build a business, make a payroll cut certainly not how to drive cattle or raise cattle. you have a target on your back grain. >> that's very true, nobody asked to have these bears in portland or seattle, they're putting them in on our landscape. we try to make a living on to provide food in five or an energy for the american consumer. >> laura: friends of mine who are in the restaurant business have told me that the pressure that is on them because they're
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big steakhouse that's on them with the cost of ease and everything from energy costs to reduced grazing to all the other regulations that are coming down the pipe against your way of life. despite looks like the biden folks want to bring us back to the 18 hundreds. do you feel that you're kind of on borrowed time as a cattlemen today given what the environmentalists are doing? >> of each room in some instances that we've been here for five generations. and we've endured a lot of things. we're going to continue to work and support the industry and our way of life. and there will be challenges, yes. >> laura: i'll come hang out there, awesome to see you, thank you so much. up next just. >> jesse: welcome to jesse watters pre.


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